Rajesh Ananda
FISU Meditation
FISU Meditation teaches a unique form of individually prescribed meditation and spiritual practices that includes mindfulness elements.
Our techniques are easy to learn and effortless to practice, yet take you on a beautiful journey of personal transformation through self-discovery, and establish you on a solid foundation of peace, well-being and better health. You’ll learn to relax profoundly and naturally eradicate negative stress from your life – and you’ll achieve this quickly under our guidance.
FISU Meditation (Foundation for International Spiritual Unfoldment) is an international school that teaches the art of meditation and spiritual unfoldment at 70 worldwide centres including 30 in the UK. We are a registered educational charity in the UK.
We teach a unique form of individually prescribed meditation in a course that spans 10 sessions taking 3 months to complete. We offer 24-7 lifetime support and advanced courses, both residential and non-residential, Day Intensives and Masterclasses. All our teachers are certified to deliver our courses on both a personal or corporate level.
To book an appointment with Rajesh please contact him directly on 07993 562103.
Alternatively visit the FISU website at www.fisu.org