Julieann Withey
Craniosacral and Massage Therapist
Julieann is a fully qualified and registered Craniosacral therapist and Massage therapist who will combine both therapies to bring about a deeper sense of relaxation and wellbeing, allowing the body to rebalance itself.
Craniosacral Therapy
Your first appointment is typically one hour long and will involve taking a detailed case history. The forms can be emailed to you prior to your first appointment for you to complete in advance if you wish.
The treatment is conducted fully clothed, lying face up, on the treatment couch. Light contact is made with your head, the base of your spine, and other areas, encouraging your body to relax and begin to make the changes it needs. My hands may rest at your head, feet, sacrum or along the spine and can be still for long periods of time.
When a Craniosacral therapist places their hands lightly on you, they are using them to listen to you in much the same way that a counsellor might listen to your words. Your body responds to this sensitive touch by beginning to listen to itself. A feeling that you have been heard in the truest sense of the word is a common experience during and after a Craniosacral session.
After your treatment there can, occasionally, be a short period of adjustment as part of the healing process, where you may become more aware of symptoms. Sometimes people report relief after only one or two sessions. For long-standing problems further sessions may be needed. Some people find they benefit from regular treatment over an extended period of time and say that, as well as noticing improvement in their physical or emotional symptoms, they feel that they have more awareness of their own needs and strengths, and their quality of life has improved.
About Julieann
After a long career in research, based in Universities and different levels of government, Julieann retrained and formally qualified as a Craniosacral Therapist and a massage therapist. Initially spurred on to train to help a friend with rehabilitation, Julieann quickly discovered a passion for helping people release old traumas and ease chronic tension. Julieann believes in treating not just the symptoms but the causes of those symptoms and taking a whole body approach to healing.
Diploma in Cranio-Sacral Therapy
Diploma in Indian Head Massage (APNT accredited)
Advanced course: Deep Tissue Massage (FHT/CThA accredited)
Practitioner Diploma in Pregnancy Massage (FHT/CThA accredited)
Diploma in Holistic Massage (ITEC Level 3)